Ev.-luth. Frieden und Hoffnung Parish in Dresden

Design Parish Newsletter Senfkorn

Right with the first issue we received an award from the Ev. Medienverband Sachsen e.V. for the production of the new parish newsletter. In the justification it says: "The Parish Newsletter "Senfkorn" (Mustard Seed) impresses with an extraordinarily wide range of topics and a clear, modern layout. Particularly noteworthy are the succinctly formulated insights into parish life and contributions to church and social issues outside the parish boundaries. Content and form have the character of a magazine. The concise name "Senfkorn" illustrates the high demands of the parish newsletter for a holistic overall concept that combines factual information and visual design into a coherent medium. For example, the official acts of the parish are generously placed on a double page with a meditative image motif. "Senfkorn" combines institutional mission, content class and professional layout in an exemplary way. " (Source: www.medienverband-sachsen.de)


Ev.-luth. Kirchgemeinde Frieden und Hoffnung Dresden
